Build a Catapult Game

AI Resources for Educators (3/5)
Banner Designed by Michelle Ferrell In our previous blog posts (Enter The Trustworthy AI Toolkit & AI In all types of Curricula)we have delved quite deeply into the “why” of integrating AI inside the classroom. In this post we would like to examine the “how” of...

Why AI Belongs in All Types of Curricula (2/5)
Banner Designed by Michelle Ferrell The idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI) often conjures up ideas related to science fiction or of an individual mashing the keyboard, working on some complex algorithm. But regardless, we typically have strong preconceived notions...

Enter the Trustworthy AI Toolkit (1/5)
Banner Designed by Michelle Ferrell Artificial Intelligence can be scary at times. From movies showing the impending robot apocalypse, to our apps tracking our activity online and then advertising oh so tempting products, the concept of Artificial Intelligence can be...
Magic Amulet
Build a Magic Item What You'll Need Build A Magic Item Kit (with the clear acrylic) Glue (preferably hot glue) In this activity, we're going to be assembling our magic amulets that you all just received. To begin, pull...

Servo-Powered Lane Changer
Add electronics and a micro controller to your Lane Changer to make it move at the press of a button!

Add some spinning traps to your Marble Run to help stir things up a bit

Train an AI Judge
Use your webcam to train an AI judge to display the winning marble of each race!

Racing Mixer
In this easy-to-build module, you’ll create a peg board which can shuffle up marbles at the start of a race. Combine this with our Starting Gate template and find out who’s marble team is the fastest

Lane Changer
Change the path of your marble with the push of a button!

Marble Lift
Using the power of elastics, propel your marbles to new heights.
What You’ll Need
- Plastic Spoon
- Cardboard (corrugated)
- 46cm x 7.5 x 13mm Piece of Wood
- Plastic Spoon
- Cardboard (corrugated)
- 46cm x 7.5 x 13mm Piece of Wood

Cut out the Hoop
Draw a box template onto cardboard. It can be any size you want! Just, make sure it is large enough to catch your projectiles, but small enough to be supported by the dowel. We made one that is 5cm x 5cm x 7.5cm

Cut out the Hoop
Draw a box template onto cardboard. It can be any size you want! Just, make sure it is large enough to catch your projectiles, but small enough to be supported by the dowel. We made one that is 5cm x 5cm x 7.5cm