Build a Catapult Game
STEAMLabs Co-Founder Leads Outreach Event at International Astronautical Conference 2014
Walking into the Exhibit Hall of the 65th International Astronautical Congress at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, you were greeted by the who’s who of the space industry. Your eye jumped from SpaceX simulation chairs, to a model of the Canadarm, to a huge inflated model of NASA’s human space capsule. This conference brought together leaders […]
STEAMLabs Runs Pop-Up MakerSpace at the Ontario Library Association Conference
We had the opportunity to create a pop-up Makerspace at the OLA conference, an event attended by over 5, 000 librarians from around Ontario. The space was set up to demonstrate toy hacking, 3D design and 3D printing, and Arduino robotics. Six 3D printers were provided for the event by 3D Systems, along with six computers […]
How to make a Makerspace for kids
People ask STEAMLabs founder Andy Forest how they can create their own Makerspaces for kids all the time. He explains exactly how it can be done in the video below:
3D Printing Fantastical Circus Creatures
STEAMLabs had the opportunity to take some of our kids with us to the Toronto International Circus Festival in 2013. We brought some computers and some 3D printers with us and taught kids who stopped at our table about 3D design and printing. Kids were encouraged to create the fantastical creatures they would like to […]
What You’ll Need
- Plastic Spoon
- Cardboard (corrugated)
- 46cm x 7.5 x 13mm Piece of Wood
- Plastic Spoon
- Cardboard (corrugated)
- 46cm x 7.5 x 13mm Piece of Wood

Cut out the Hoop
Draw a box template onto cardboard. It can be any size you want! Just, make sure it is large enough to catch your projectiles, but small enough to be supported by the dowel. We made one that is 5cm x 5cm x 7.5cm

Cut out the Hoop
Draw a box template onto cardboard. It can be any size you want! Just, make sure it is large enough to catch your projectiles, but small enough to be supported by the dowel. We made one that is 5cm x 5cm x 7.5cm