Steamlabs consults for organisations worldwide, developing programs to teach AI, coding, digital fabrication and other STEM topics. The goal of our AI programs is for people to have a broad understanding of Artificial Intelligence to use it as a tool in their lives as well as to empower them to advocate for equitable, ethical policies from companies and governments.



At Steamlabs, we believe that understanding AI technology and the fundamentals of machine learning does not have to be intimidating and inaccessible for anyone to start learning. These complex systems can be broken down to approachable and easy to follow interactive activities and explanations.


All activities come with easy to follow teaching guides and workshops!

We have developed a series of Artificial Intelligence education programs. Our programs tackle diverse aspects of AI technology from the technology inside the black box to the social disruption and ethical problems they create. They are grounded in the education principles of inquiry learning to foster skills needed in the 21st century such as critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration. The topics are chosen to be relevant to the lives of the participants by making them useful and interesting.

We are publishing these activities here for use by educators worldwide. We welcome your feedback and would love to hear from you about how these can be useful to your organization.

We are grateful to Amazon Future Engineers and Actua for funding this work!

Licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. You are free to share, copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially as long as: appropriate credit is given, license link is provided and changes are indicated and distributed under same license. Full details of this license can be found here:

Green Energy Forecast

Predict a Pie

Build Your Own Chatbot

AI Animated Slogan

Vision Recognition

Chatbot Imagination Lab

Step into the future of digital literacy! The Chatbot Imagination Lab empowers students to build AI chatbots, turning abstract concepts into hands-on learning. Discover how AI can enhance creativity and critical thinking in your classroom.

Program Details

The Chatbot Imagination Lab blends AI with STEAM education, allowing students to train chatbots on a variety of topics. Using an intuitive web-based tool, students create and control their chatbot’s responses, ensuring a safe and customizable environment. Optional enhancements, like micro:bits, let students build robotic puppets for interactive shows, merging digital and physical learning.

Emphasizing responsible AI, students also explore ethical implications, data privacy, and bias, becoming thoughtful creators and critics of technology.

Resource Links

Curriculum Connections

  • Language Arts: Enhance storytelling skills.
  • Science and Technology: Reinforce scientific methods.
  • Social Studies: Simulate historical figures or debates.
  • Mathematics: Apply computational thinking.

Technical Concepts

  • AI and Machine Learning: Understand AI basics and machine learning.
  • Voice Synthesis and Recognition: Convert text to speech and recognize spoken inputs.
  • Programming and Coding: Hands-on coding experience.
  • Physical Computing with micro:bits: Build interacting robotic puppets.

Responsible AI

  • Ethical AI Development: Create fair and unbiased AI systems.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Handle data responsibly.
  • Bias and Fairness: Explore and mitigate AI biases.
  • Real-World Applications: Discuss responsible AI scenarios.

Equip students to navigate and shape the digital age responsibly with the Chatbot Imagination Lab. This innovative program prepares learners to be both tech users and creators.


Marble Runs, Mechanisms and AI Judges


Build a marble race track with marble flippers, servo-activated starting gates and even train a full-fledged AI judge to impartially tell you the winner of each race!


Vision Recognition AI for Zookeeper


Vision Recognition AI for Zookeepers is the first in a series of workshops designed to give kids an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies and societal implications. 


 Children build confidence in the use of hand-tools and digital fabrication machines such as our laser-cutter or our bank of 3D printers. They learn to code using physical robotics, progressing quickly from MakeCode to industry-standard Python.