Maker Educator Boot Camp

The Maker Educator Boot Camp is a multi-week intensive course for educators who want to learn Maker skills, technologies, and teaching methodologies.

Maker Educator Boot Camp

Program Details

Maker Education is an interest-led pedagogical style where learners design, plan, prototype and iterate their very own physical projects. In this program participants will learn Maker skills, principles, tools & technologies by doing exactly that – building the projects that they feel passionate about. No previous technology experience is required, we’ll build your skill from the ground up!

This program has a focus on high tech making, including Arduino, Internet of Things, and Digital Fabrication. You will learn these skills through hands-on application by building a real Internet of Things projects.

Our Maker Educator Bootcamp will have a rolling start date in Fall 2019 to ensure that adequate numbers are met to facilitate a community learning environment. To reserve your spot please email

What's included

Skills Learned

  • 2D & 3D Design
  • Digital Fabrication with Laser cutting & 3D Printing
  • Robotics – Arduino, Servo, CPXWeb Development Basics (HTML/CSS)
  • Internet of Things
  • How to incorporate Maker Learning Recipe into teaching

Teaching Skills Learned

  • Exercise genuine creativity within real design constraints
  • Brainstorm ideas and critically assess their viability
  • Plan, prototype, fail fast, and move forward
  • Be resourceful and use their network (online & off) to find answers
  • Tap in to their own interests, share knowledge, and collaborate with others
  • Embed learning by working on real physical projects
  • Evaluate project-based learning


$560 + HST / 10 week program
$560 + HST / 10 week program (+ optional $60 robotics starter kit)

We offer an optional $60 robotics kit that you can use to take your project home and continue experimenting with it. This kit includes several basic parts to complete a robotics project and can be reused for future programs at STEAMLabs and beyond!

Upcoming dates

Program Name Ages Location Date Time Price All taxes included  
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